Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Thank you.

To the people in my world who have had an unforgetable impact on my life...

Interesting how our natural tendency, when we feel alone, misunderstood or undeserving, is to withdraw even further from those who have been placed in our lives for friendship, support and encouragement. We are called to bear one another's burdens, so fulfilling the law of Christ (Galations 6:2). We are not meant to walk through the valleys of life alone. Every day I hear people make excuses for not going to church – the most common being that you don't have to go to church to be a Christian. That's true. Being in a church building doesn't make you a Christian any more than sitting in a garage makes you a car! But that isn't what it's about. It's not about an obligation or ritual – it's about surrounding yourself with other people on the same journey. It's about coming alongside each other, encouraging and building each other up. It's about lending a hand to those who have fallen or are stuck, giving a boost to those who are trying to overcome a hurdle, or just grabbing their hand as you walk next to them, showing them they are not alone. It's also about reaching out when you are the one stuck in the muck or climbing that mountain. It's a place of worship, peace and sanctuary and ultimately, a place where our little flames join together to provide warmth and illumination for those in this dark, cold world.

I'm so good at distancing myself when things are tough, making every excuse in the book why I don't want or need to surround myself with other believers, but the Word says that as iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another (Proverbs 27:17). It also instructs us not to forsake meeting together with other believers, but to encourage each other even more as we see the Day approaching. So, for all of you in my life who have taken care of me, lifted me, pushed me onward, walked alongside me in silent support, loved me, encouraged me, prayed for me, instructed me… Thank You! Thank you for not letting go; for not letting me slip through the cracks or sink in the quicksand, but for reaching out and grabbing me and bringing me back. Thank you for not allowing me to go through the dark hours alone, but for allowing God's light to shine through you to light the way for me. For all of you who have rescued me in some way at some time, I am eternally grateful to you and I hope I am able to return the favor, if ever needed.

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