Monday, August 11, 2008

Little of This, Little of That

I just finished reading a book that has really made me re-think the way I view God. It is The Shack by William P Young. It's a pretty quick and easy read and I highly recommend it.

A friend of mine just found out she is pregnant. She hasn't had it confirmed by the doc yet, but all the home pregnancy tests are positive. Seems a little too early for me to get excited for her, but I can't help it. She has wanted another one since her youngest was born - and he is six years old. She approached me about 3 or 4 months ago and asked if I would pray for her. She asked if I would pray that either she would be able to have another baby, or that God would take that desire away from her if it wasn't in His plan. I hope for her sake that everything goes well with the pregnancy.

I think I have a date this week. This guy I know has been trying to get me to have dinner with him for a while now. I finally agreed so we are supposed to set something up later this week. We'll see if he follows through. My hopes are NOT up. He's a nice guy though - owns a couple restaurants and bar on the South Hill.

I usually dread checking my mail because practically all I receive is one bill after another after another... Today, I got mail from home - my little brothers all sent their artwork - I'm amazed at their artistic abilities as I can hardly draw a recognizable stick figure. :) It's nice to have some new artwork for the refrigerator. I also received a card from my mom that made me cry. She sent me $10 and wrote that I should go have a cup of coffee and just imagine that she was here drinking it with me. She is so generous. Most people I know give out of their wealth, but my mom gives out of her lack. She doesn't have money and they hardly have any material possessions. But this is who she is. She gives what little she has to someone she thinks needs it more than her. She's given all her furniture away to people who didn't have any, figuring it wasn't a big deal if her and her family had to sit on the floor and eat, instead of around a dining room table or on couches. I haven't always liked that about her, but I know her heart and I pray the Lord blesses her in return. Here is a picture of my mom and all 11 of her children...
Mom (in back), Zackary, Sandra, Heather, Caleb, Litiana, Siga Tabu, Ilaijia, Evan, Cagilaba, Saula & Serau

Well, I'm off to tidy up the apartment before my couchsurfers arrive tomorrow or Wednesday. But I'll leave you with a picture from this weekend since I haven't posted many lately.

It's Jessie, Shannon & Meeeee

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